Saturday, August 14, 2021

Chorus of the Mothers-Griot by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers


Chorus of the Mothers-Griot

by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

for Phillis Wheatley (c.1753-1784)

[amnesiac wood]

[nostrils of girls]	        [who was bought]	        [uncle’s hand]
[guts on the air]	        [who was sold]		[defeated man]
[history’s charnel]	        [i say] 	                [trader’s silver]

                                [sailing knot to knot]

[naked in the corner]	[door of no return]	[sing the mutiny]
[in the slave house]	[sniff bougainvillea]	[who stands ashamed]
[i say]		 	[ready dawn’s kill]	        [naked in the corner]

                                [jealous sharks]

[i shall]			[who did]		        [i say]
[they did]		        [i’m here]		        [my name]
[who shall]		        [i say]		        [yes here]

                                [on the battlefield] 

[call woman]		[call america]		[call revolution]
[call the brother]	        [call myth]                  [i say] 
[call the auction]	        [call africa]		        [call revolution]

                                [in God’s name]

[is this called]		[is my mother]		[is my kin]
[i say]			[is this called]		[is some land]
[is my mother]		[and what] 		        [is this called]

	after Lucille Clifton


Wampum by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

Memphis Resurrection by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

Dreams of My Father by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

The Gospel of Barbecue by Honorée Fannonne Jeffers

Honorée Fanonne Jeffers / The Prophetess Sojourner Truth Discusses the Two Different Versions of Her Most Well-Known Speech, One Nearly Unknown and One Very Beloved Yet Mostly Untrue

Washita Battlefield National Historic Site by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

Chorus of the Mothers-Griot by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

Naming Ceremony by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

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