we too are drifting
by Sophie Robinson
our tenderness being muttered up by other
people I lie awake twisting & stripped
of physical dwelling; hips with the same
feeling finding myself mumbling ‘I’m sorry
we jerked’ & your mouth is a place to go
a place where the human need for (relative)
peaceful sanctuary can collect itself –
suck me –nuzzle me – foster me– we are
in our separate spaces mouths mouthing
along to the words of the film Patch Adams
& learning that returning to “home” as an
adult promotes restlessness; but let’s keep
kissing & dipping with friction against
the softness of ‘Hum Sweat Hum’, licking punk
I found myself dwelling in the conceptual
heart of nonsense breaking up, I have two
hands to cope with his death by values by
economix, we are locked in structure in
spite of our nylon surgings, them being
reduced to slits of marginal import &
we know better huh, & yes you the
eternal optimistic you turn to me & say
that it’s good to get perspective on a
perspective even when the sky’s so black
with clouds it looks like night (upon which
you would remark at least that we are less
visible under extreme conditions &
besides we have more fun after dark)